Film Screening of ‘The Mind of Mark Defriest’ and Q&A with Filmmaker, Gabriel London
Filmmaker, Gabriel London, visited San Luis Obispo this past weekend as a keynote speaker for the Change the Status Quo Conference held on February 17-18, 2017 at Cal Poly.
Gabriel London is a media campaign creator and documentary filmmaker who career has focused on political issues in America. As the founder of the documentary film production company, Found Object Films, Gabriel has produced and directed films and media campaigns that bring overlooked stories to a national audience, dealing with issues ranging from the death penalty to to climate change. In the process, he has used his work to spread advocacy campaigns, work for which he was awarded a Soros Criminal Justice Award. His films have been broadcast nationally on networks ranging from MTV to SpikeTV and as part of film festivals including IDFA, Urbanworld Film Festival, and Live Earth.
At the Change the Status Quo Conference, "The Mind of Mark Defriest", a documentary film by Gabriel London, was screened and followed by a Q&A session with London.
The event was a tremendous success with people from all walks of life coming together to Change the Status Quo!
Funding for this event is made possible by the Science, Technology & Society Minors Program, The California State University Entertainment Alliance (CSUEA), The Center for Service in Action and the College of Liberal Arts.